Conference calling is becoming less common these days, even though I think this is a real stepping stone to becoming a genuine leader in your Network Marketing Business.
As you may know, becoming a leader in you network marketing company isn’t as easy as some would make it out to be but there are some tools you can use to move along the process and one of the best tools is
This is a great service and as the name implies, is free. This is a web based service that has just about everything you need to becoming a big time leader in your company. Doing conference calls is a great way to get your feet wet and is a necessary step to the big time world of webinars.
First off name me a leader who doesn’t do webinars, they all do them and sense there are so few people that actually so webinars, this puts you in a very elite class of marketers. By starting with conference calls you get a real chance to gain confidence in your ability to communicate to a large audience of potential buyers.
The great featured that is in is your ability to record you conference call, this gives you an opportunity to practice the conference call and better yet, you can go back and listen to the call later and make any critiques or changes before you do that actual call.
Sure you could just use a tape recorder, practice the call and then listen to it but there is a reason they have dress rehearsals before a play. It is much better to rehearse a call on the phone, you will hear your own voice and when it comes time to do the actual call there will be no surprises.
This service also allows you to have some pretty large calls, you can have up to 1000 people on a call and the call can be up to six hours. And you also get these features: * Monitor your call in real-time *View attendees as they join and leave *Manage features and speaking rights *Be notified of questions from attendees *Name and label specific callers They even have other great services I haven’t tried yet but I will be soon.
So if you really want to grow your business and position yourself as a leader in your company, in my personal opinion, is a great way to start. Then after you feel comfortable doing conference calls, you are only a PowerPoint presentation away from doing webinars and positioning yourself as not only a big time leader but someone the company feels they need to pay attention to.
How cool is that!
If you want to successfully market on the Internet, that is your mission, you have to learn how to build trust, make connections and prove to others that you are going to be there when to going gets tough. It’s up to you whether you want to engage in internet marketing the correct way or the same way that ends 97% in network marketing to the bottom of the sea.
The Choice Is Yours!
Alex Martinez
Call me @ 657-888-2410
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